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Sleep paralysis, between scientific explanations and paranormal beliefs

Sleep paralysis, between scientific explanations and paranormal beliefs

“I am fully awake, I know I’m not sleeping and yet I am completely unable to move. My arms and legs feel like lead, I keep commanding them to start moving, but they will not obey me and this sense of helplessness scares me to death! What disease is this?...

The 10 keys to becoming a leader

The 10 keys to becoming a leader

You have always been the “president of the class”, the ideal student, the official leader invested by the form master and acknowledged, or at least paid lip service to, by your classmates. However, you have always felt it wasn’t you they followed, it wasn’t you they admired. The class always...

What we can eat to starve cancer

What we can eat to starve cancer

Dr. William Li, president of the Angiogenesis Foundation, has come up with a very interesting theory, according to which we can fight cancer, the disease of the 20th century, and other serious conditions by preventing the cells that feed tumors from multiplying. How can we do this? By eating foods...

Practicing meditation is healthy for children

Practicing meditation is healthy for children

“Practicing mindfulness meditation has nothing to do with childhood games. For a child it means exactly the same thing as it means for an adult: learning a new way of life, the art of living in the present and enjoying it.” With this, Jeanne Siaud-Facchin, clinical psychologist, advises us to...

What sport you should go for to get rid of negative emotions

What sport you should go for to get rid of negative emotions

”S’émouvoir et se mouvoir” – how could I translate this French pun without spoiling the beauty of the rhyme? An almost literal attempt at translation would be “get moved to get moving”. Both verbs, “s’émouvoir” (to be moved) and “se mouvoir” (to move) come from the Latin “movere” and remind...

Saffron, the red gold: color, savor and cure

Saffron, the red gold: color, savor and cure

Worshipped by ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. Praised by the Bible in the “Canticle of Canticles”. Associated with wisdom and the path to Nirvana by Buddhist monks who, by tradition, wear robes in the deep color of saffron. Even Michelangelo used it to paint the Sistine Chapel. Saffron is a...

Improve your concentration with these 9 essential techniques

Improve your concentration with these 9 essential techniques

Human brain has muscles. It is a well-known, easily understood metaphor: brain, the control center of our body, needs continuous exercise to successfully complete its missions. And one of its most important missions is to absorb, store and process information – the memorizing capacity and the ability to concentrate. We...

6 natural tooth whitening methods

6 natural tooth whitening methods

You know that smile you see in toothpaste ads. Well, this is something you do not get without investing time and money in more or less sophisticated dental procedures. However, is it advisable to get bright white teeth using methods which in the long run might affect your tooth enamel?...

From positive thinking to positive psychology – directions for use

From positive thinking to positive psychology – directions for use

There is an old saying: always prepare for the worst. That is to say, expect for the worst case scenario. Every time you try to build something: a concept, a personal project, a dream. Allegedly, you will suffer less if things go wrong. And you will have all the more...

6 less known risks that threaten your heart

6 less known risks that threaten your heart

Take care of your heart! Hmm, this is easier said than done, considering that a great many aspects of our lifestyle interfere with the proper functioning of our cardiovascular system. While irregular eating, diets consisting mainly in high-fat foods, sleeping less than six hours a night and lack of physical...