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Remedies for indigestion, headaches and kidney stones

Remedies for indigestion, headaches and kidney stones

Did you know that overeating or eating on the run could cause indigestion? Did you know that eyestrain could lead to severe headaches? In the following lines, I invite you to read more on this subject and I will offer you more tips taken from “Everyday Health Guide: 365 Tips...

How to protect ourselves from electromagnetic radiation

How to protect ourselves from electromagnetic radiation

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other relevant authorities warn of the danger of radiation exposure. What can we do to protect ourselves? Recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of WHO) has officially announced that mobile phone radiation could cause cancer. As early as 1984, at the...

3 ways to work in unison with synchronicities

3 ways to work in unison with synchronicities

You got up late, you panicked – “I’m going to miss the train” – and you missed it, of course! When we are in a hurry, we act chaotically. You paid for another ticket and jumped into the next train going in the same direction. Once you got on the...

6 practical tips to help you improve your health

6 practical tips to help you improve your health

Not long ago, a good friend of mine told me about “Everyday Health Guide: 365 Tips for Healthy Living”. Since the internet abounds in information about treatments and healthy eating, at the beginning I did not let myself get carried away by my friend’s enthusiasm. However, after browsing through it...

Meditation – benefits and utility in everyday life

Meditation – benefits and utility in everyday life

For those drawn to this ancient practice, which in yoga classes comes with those postures that strengthen not only your body, but also your mind, meditation is not a fad. Whether we are aware if it or not, we all need meditation, because meditation is an excellent way to quiet...

How to help children manage their emotions in a healthy manner

How to help children manage their emotions in a healthy manner

Children can learn to control their emotions at an early age. Research has shown that when parents recognize the negative emotions – anger or sadness – experienced by their children and help them deal with them, in time children learn to exert better physiological control over their own emotions and...

5 simple natural choices you can make to detoxify your body

5 simple natural choices you can make to detoxify your body

A toxin is any type of substance that your body cannot use for its own benefit and requires additional energy to eliminate. Even the substances your body needs to survive may become toxic if they exceed the maximum tolerable amount. While the small doses of chemicals we unintentionally store in...

10 reasons to wake up early and enjoy life more

10 reasons to wake up early and enjoy life more

I have never been an early riser. Not long ago, however, some tiny wheel in my sleep mechanism must have gone haywire, because I have started to wake up at the peep of dawn every morning. The clock strikes 5, but the sun knows better: it is 4 o’clock a.m....

“The idleness syndrome”: how it affects us and how we can turn it to our advantage

“The idleness syndrome”: how it affects us and how we can turn it to our advantage

“Never leave for tomorrow what you can do today… leave it for the day after tomorrow!” I must confess this famous dictum seems to define me more and more accurately every day. I leave home with an “urgent” list of issues I am supposed to take care of when I...

What your face says about your health

What your face says about your health

Face mapping is a most trustworthy practice used in the ancient Indian medical tradition Ayurveda, which links a particular area of your face to an internal organ and tells you what to fix inside in order to set right the outer symptoms. Accordingly, based on the clues your face provides,...